Thursday, 30 January 2014

Geographic Therapy

Sometimes, the best way to see our life is to look at it from 10,000 miles away. We see our life from a different angle when we travel. The air is different, the people are new and the learnings are common. Do you have a year or five-year travel plan? What adventures would you want to save up for and try out? Find photos online of the places you wish to explore. Post them on a dream board and when your day-to-day struggles are overwhelming you, glance over at your travel art and know you will soon be free. I would love to hear your favourite travel story!! Tomorrow I leave for Costa Rica. I won't be in the blog world for a couple weeks but I will come back. Armed with positive stories I am sure!!

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

You are so worth it

Feel shame for asking what you really, truly want? Don't. Life is meant to be pleasurable, rewarding, and full of acceptance along the way. If you need to feel you "deserve" your wants, you can create a reward system. I used to buy a pile of new clothes, hang them in the office closet and each week that I reached all my fitness goals I could pull one item out. I did the same when my partner went to Afghanistan. Every week I made it through the pain and worry, I got a present! It removes and remorse or guilt you feel for getting what you want and you're reaching your goals. What could be better? Reward charts and jars may seem childish but boy do they work! Do you have any creative ways to get what you want? How happy does it make you?

Friday, 24 January 2014


One of our five senses that never receives gratitude enough is our sense of smell. The aroma from a turkey in the over at Thanksgiving, the smoke from a campfire in the summertime, or the smell of a lover's skin first thing in the morning. These scents awaken our spirit and leave us to experience a myriad of emotions. And we like emotions because they are energy in motion and we don't want to be blocked up! Find a soap, cologne or lotion that you really love the smell of. Use this amazing potion on your body at least twice a day and feel yourself fall into ecstasy with your nose experiencing the reward of your gift. Watch out for those scentsitive people though, they might not enjoy your scent out in a public place, maybe keep it to home if that is the case. If not…indulge.

Friday, 17 January 2014

The song in your heart

It always feels good to share with a loved one, no matter if we are feeling on top of the world or down in the pit of despair. One universal thing that lifts people up no matter what century or country you live in, is music. It cracks open the thoughts in our heads and makes us FEEL. Just like my grandma says you have a second stomach for dessert, you have a different brain for music. I am no neurologist, but I might say that the part of our brain that interprets music is connected more strongly to our body than the thought of "Oh I should have chicken for supper". Give the gift of a music to someone who needs a lift today. This can be done by singing a sea shanty over the phone or forwarding a link on your media device. Music is the centre of most spiritual practices for a reason. I don't quite know what that reason is, as I rarely study religions, but I am sure it has something to do with community, celebration, and love.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Ready, aim….wait

Speaking our mind is a chance to unleash the passion within our thoughts, but why choose now as the time to open up? What is the driving force? Anger? Pride? What if we take a moment to hear the ideas from a different perspective? This pause may reflect a new view before our eyes. Shifting our stance if only for a while is uncomfortable and we may perceive it to be pushing us back or knocking us off balance but in truth this expansiveness allows us the space to potentially move forward…and isn't that where we want to be? Take some time to sit back in a meeting and hear other ideas, ask your partner how you can create options from a debate, or imagine your big day tomorrow going really well instead of failing badly. Take the time to add expanse. Take a break from your stance before you get stuck there. Take care of your needs without causing harm.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Have more faith than fear

There is a battle raging on inside of us that many of us never experience unless we reach the edge. When we reach that point where the equilibrium flips and we lose control, we often collapse into despair. In this place, we have simply entered a realm where hope and confidence are displaced by worry and self-doubt. This is the place to rebuild. Your tank of happiness has been drastically emptied and it is time to fuel up once again. Fear had its chance to run the show but now is the time for faith. Things will improve. They have to. Have faith.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

How's my reflection? aka Happy new year everyone!

This new beginning, it awaits us with open arms. We take a small step back and view the year that was. The tough days at work, the new additions to the family, the memorable meals that will make our mouths water for years. We are blessed to know this past year, no matter its challenges and we are blessed to not know tomorrow because its possibilities are endless. What kind of goal will you set moving forward? More inner strength, more time at the gym, daily gratitude that you may find from this post?? This new beginning, it awaits us with open arms. What will your tomorrow bring?