Monday, 25 February 2013

Share a little good

What's your first response when people ask you how you are?  Do you say, "busy"? "Alright?" Next time try to share a bit of good news, "I am wonderful, my friend is taking me to the mountains this weekend" or "I received a funny email that made me smile. I should send it to you". You might be surprised about how far the little positive interaction might go.


  1. Love this, Vanessa, and so true. Busy is the most common response I hear. It's sad, really. Busy? Busy with what? Splitting the atom? I highly doubt it. Great advice I'll be using tomorrow. Cheers.

  2. Vanessa this is awesome. I think you're absolutely right - by sharing good news we can prompt the other person to share good news and everyone can feel positive.
