Thursday, 4 April 2013

Liquid comfort

Not all liquids are created equal. It is important to care for our body by choosing a liquid that will not only quench our thirst but soothe our soul.  With every sip the potion flows through our bodies enveloping us with a smile. What special liquid will you chose to treat yourself with today?  Water infused with fruit or flowers, mint lemonade, a nice herbal tea perhaps? Choose wisely and see how your body changes after connecting with the sweet nectar.


  1. I have drunk a minimum of 64 oz. of water for more than 30 years. I'm glad I do. One side effect: I have few wrinkles---water does wonders for my skin.

    It also makes me feel full, reducing the urge to snack unhealthily.

    Hoping you are having a great and grateful day!

    1. That is heaps of water, good for you Pablo! I am really enjoying my day, glad you could be here

  2. So far my day has just consisted of coffee. I suppose I need a glass of water :)

  3. Water is the best!! I like milk, and enjoy the calcium intake, but I've heard just plain old water is the best thing you can put in there.

    1. Oh my, I freaking love milk. I like to get it nice and cold and just gulp it down.

  4. Green tea is my treat today, yesterday was peppermint tea and orange juice. I love my liquids!! :)

    1. I drink loads of herbal teas, my favourite, licorice....yup. Aveda also makes a good tea.
