Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Smell the flowers

Nature creates a beauty of colours, scents and textures in her flowers that are found from the arctic tundra to the rainforests of Brazil. In each flower we see the miracle of life and the senstive connection between air, water, and nutrients. If any of these are out of balance, the flower suffers, reacting physically with wilted pedals and a dulled hue. We can rarely recognise this change on ourselves. When we are out of whack, the signals are often hidden and we need to work at staying present to fully appreciate our current situation. Take some time today to connect with a flower. Go to a local florest, greenhouse or even a friend's house who has lovely blooms in their yard. Appreciate the gift of now. Appreciate the gift of life.


  1. flowers are one of my favorite things in the entire universe! i always have a vase on the counter, always. they just exude happiness :)

    1. Beautiful!! Do you have any favourites?

    2. i truly love all flowers, but if i were to pick an absolute favorite it would sunflowers :) what's yours?

  2. We'll be planting Mums here soon for autumn's arrival :)

    1. You will be so connected with the flowers by planting them. Hooray!

  3. I have been filling my house with plants lately and it is making me so very, very happy! :) Bright flowers put a smile on my face.... I bought a pot of bright yellow daisies for my kitchen two nights ago! So bright, so happy, so energizing :)
