This inspiration will be fairly hands on. Find photographs of yourself from ten years ago to today. Take the time to really look at each photograph of that moment in time and notice your smile or lack thereof, your hair, your clothes. Then take some time to go inside and remember how that time in your life FELT. Were you scared, excited, sad, elated? We tend to leave the past and move on but sometimes a view at the journey that got you to today can be a powerfuel fuel for creating strong tomorrows.

2004 - Italy

2005 - Met Alain

2006 - In love

2007 - Australia

2008 - The wedding

2009 - Fernie

2010 - Folk music festival

2011 - Pigeon Lake

2013 - Plan Canada Fundraiser

2014 - Costa Rica
Thank you for letting me share this ten year storybook with you. I have gained a lot of insight, acceptance, self-love and pride from viewing these images. Maybe you can experience something similar with your own photo graph.
This was an interesting journey through your last ten years! I really love that Fernie picture. I may do this sometime. I would look at pictures of myself ten years ago and say "wow, my hair was a lot thicker!"