Thursday, 28 March 2013

big little things

We are well aware of how we can manifest the smallest problem into a large issue.  Well we are just as skilled at taking a small victory and exploding it into a winning battle cry. At the last bout of winter you may hear the song of a bird.  That small gesture from one of nature's beautiful creatures signals the coming of spring.  The coming of spring means warm sun on your face, the smell of fresh cut grass and my personal favourite, music festvals. Practice this with a small bonus in your day. Ask, if this little miracle is true, what else is possible until your mind is swirling in a bright dream world. We all deserve good days, let in as many good feelings as you can.


  1. There's a universe in a blade of grass, if we make the time to appreciate its glory. The little blessings that come our way during the day are mini-vacations, opportunities for us to be filled with wonder and gratitude.

    The laughter of an infant, wildflowers growing out of the cracks of a sidewalk, an old couple holding hands and the skyscape of clouds on a blustery day, are but a few examples of treasures that can easily be bypassed, if we find ourselves in the grips of worry or busyness.

    1. All good things. Focus in on the small miracles. I bet you are well trained at bypassing the business and centering in on the little things. Good to have you here.

  2. I like this idea of taking a small positive thing and making it a larger one - sort of a power-of-the-mind thing. I'll give it a shot today!

  3. I love this! Great idea Wise Vanessa :) Wishing you a happy and hope-filled weekend!

    1. And the same to you! I get to meet with old friends this weekend, I am so excited!

  4. Nature is all about beauty and miracles. It can take your breath away, lighten your mood, make you feel warm and cozy, and even start your day off with perfection. Happy accidents? I say no -- but rather God's gifts to the world.
