Sunday, 24 March 2013


Corpse pose. This healing act with the body on the ground, palms up beside the hips and feet splayed open can take a day of stress and let it melt away.  But what if we could take this pose out of the yoga studio and perhaps into nature? Find a picnic table under a big tree, crawl up and lay down giving thanks for the sun on your face. Find a fresh patch of snow and lay your body down on the cool ground, being the first shape to touch the fallen white flakes. If you're lucky enough to have green grass, choose a perfect location and surrender your body to the ground.  Focus on the air leaving your body and coming in. Be one with mother earth.  Give thanks for gravity and light and fresh air to breathe.


  1. Connecting with nature is one form of a spiritual awakening. We can let pressure to distract us from what is important. Making time to breathe deeply and enjoy what is around us is healing and great advice, Vanessa!

    Thanking God, who created earth, is good, too.

    1. Spiritual awakening yes, it's good for our souls.

  2. I really need to begin getting involved in yoga so that I can further appreciate these sorts of feelings.

    1. Yoga would welcome you with open or prayer arms.

  3. I love corpse pose. The body responds so well to absolute rest. It's reinvigorating during periods of exhaustion and relaxing during moments of pent up energy.

    I love your idea of trying it somewhere different and somewhere outside.

    Thank you for another great suggestion wise Vanessa :)

    1. OUtside is different, maybe even strange. It can be good to try things outside our comfort zone.

  4. I did three rounds of the P90X program and during the Yoga workout, the best part was being soaked in sweat after using every bit of energy you have and then laying down in corpse pose during the cool down. I would almost fall asleep sometimes!

    1. You did the full yoga DVD? What?! That's intense, I could only complete about half. Good on ya!

    2. Believe me it is NOT easy. But in time it gets easier -- just keep at it! The second half is by far the easier half!
