Monday, 11 June 2012

Tune into compliments

There are so many sweet words said about us, but often we accept them on the surface rather than pulling them deep inside us. Each compliment is a true gift, it is the universe telling us we are special and worthy of great things. Think about the compliments you give others.  You see a true light inside them and feel compelled to say something. You hope that message travels deep. This is true of compliments coming your way, they are offerings of the wonder found within.  If you receive a compliment today, breathe it in deep, look the giver in the eye and give thanks.


  1. oh, I like compliments - you can compliment me any day ;) hehehe.

    1. I enjoy your company every day. You are a witty and bright soul.

  2. I was reading something a little while back that I really want to try. It said to give each person in your life one sincere compliment per day. I think compliments are often under-utilized.

    1. So very true. I feel lifted each time I give someone a compliment, and it's not too shabby when I receive a big smile in return.

  3. Yes, I agree with you. Compliments are gifts. When receiving one I want to make a point of thanking the one who affirmed me.

    Thank you, Vanessa, for the kind words you share with me, including today, over at my place.

    Most of us hope to be a healthy person, emotionally and in our character. Feedback, including compliments, reflects back to us how we are known in this world.

    1. You are very wlecome Pablo. There's always so much to compliment you for, I am glad those comments connect with you and help you see your wonderful reflection.
