Friday, 8 June 2012

Viewing your thoughts

As thoughts slip in and out of your head, try to imagine them captured in a bubble and floating past.  Rather than attaching to your thought, recognize that it matters, but if it is not serving you, let it float away.  Ask, does this thought bring me closer to joy, or away? What can happen when our thoughts are not set apart in this way is they can rain down on us, flooding our mind quickly.  By stepping back to view our thoughts, we find shelter and simply watch the droplets of throughts trickle down outside our mind's window.


  1. :) I'm waiting for that app that will capture my thoughts as I think... so then I can do exactly that - review the flaw of my thoughts and note the most important ones... the blog will have to do for now... :)

    1. The blog does a great job of that. Many of our thoughts do not even need to be captured. It is like in Mario Brothers where you are running along and find coins (happy thoughts) and then there are weird shelled creatures and those should be avoided. Not all thoughts are created equal.

  2. I have tried to analyze my thoughts before but they're often too difficult to figure out :-)

    1. How do those thoughts make you feel? That is a good place to start. Analyzing thoughts is much like analyzing dreams, or a psychic reading. There may be meaning there, but it is so clouded in literal distractions that the real meaning becomes clouded. Have faith that the answers will rise up when the pond settles.

  3. Staying present permits me to not perseverate. I've found detaching with compassion from fretful or negative thoughts is a form of self-love. We worship the mind more than it deserves. It helps if we get in touch with our felt sense.

    This part of me is non-linear and in tune with my emotions and feelings, my primal self. When I am connected with this primitive part of me, I feel more alive and celebrate perceptions that would otherwise be clouded by my thinking.

    1. Self-love is detaching from negative thoughts. I never thought about it that way. I would love to tap into positive perceptions, maybe me and my primal self could have a catch up sometime!

    2. Regarding your post, someone said, "our mind is a dangerous territory for us to visit alone."

      Vanessa, you might want to use books of affirmations to feed your spirit. It's a terrific way to build ourselves up, and provide emotional and mental self-care, in a loving, gentle way.
