Friday, 5 July 2013

A healthy dose of chit chat

Talk therapy is extremely powerful for many people. You take the thoughts that have been festering in your mind and you bring them into the oxygen rich air to breathe and evolve into something brighter.  Something that might serve us well. It can take a lot to trust another person with our thoughts, but once we do, it's magic. Let the words flow gently out of your body to avoid the dam they might cause within your soul.  Watch the words as they flow out, how do they may you feel?  How can you learn something new from them? Not everyone is up for being a good listener so make sure to shop around before divulging too much.  When is the last time you had a healthy dose of chit chat?


  1. I have always felt that talking was cathartic...kind of a healthy release of pent up emotions. That;s why we feel as if a weight has been lifted off of our shoulders when we talk to someone from the heart.

    1. Pent up emotions can turn toxic in our bodies. Releasing them is key. A good cry, and belly laugh, or talk, talk, talk.

  2. That's exactly why I sit on my therapist's couch once a month. Worth every penny!

  3. It is so healing. I am learning that. I used to bottle up my dark thoughts and my negative emotions and I used to only share positive things. It led to people thinking that I was a certain person when inside I was someone very different. Learning to talk about all of my feelings and thoughts has allowed me to be myself with people, to be real, and to accept that it is okay to not be feeling 100% all of the time. I used to lie to myself and tell myself that everything was fine all of the time... and eventually I burned out from that in a way that was worse that I had ever imagined possible. So... from now on... no more bottling things up! :)

    1. Wow. I value your true honesty MWG. You have a beautiful soul that is clearly littered with pain and I see that you are on a journey of picking up the clutter and letting the light in. Yeah!!

  4. I'm a lucky guy. I have them, a lot. I'm sure glad I do. I love the connection, acceptance, love, acceptance and peace I have when relating with emotionally healthy, discerning others!

    I'm in agreement with you, we need to exercise Character Discernment. Thank you for this post. I love your ideas and the way you express them. You're gifted. Really. Hope to see you over at my place, soon.
