Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Your loss

When a soul's light on this Earth gets turned out, we grieve the loss of their gifts, their presence. How can this world function without their laughter, their jokes, their hugs? In these times of loss we need to retrain our mind to look at the life before it was extinguished. When we remember their happy antics we allow their soul to enter this world and dance for a little while and that is a beautiful thing.  Take some time today to think back on a life you've lost in your life and try to recall happy moments that coloured this amazing tapestry known as your life.


  1. Thank you for this. I just lost my Dad 2 weeks ago and I'm still grieving. Your post was a much needed boost.

    1. Oh my gosh, so amazing that you are still able to wrote and be online, maybe it's a healing space for you. Take some time to let the emotions flow, you are very fragile and precious right now. Well, precious always

  2. Beautiful post and a beautiful perspective, Wise Vanessa. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Anytime MWG it's a subject that is close to be right now

  3. I always try to take these types of moments and remember my late papaw and mamaw :-)

    1. When did they pass? I bet they were amazing hey??
