Friday, 11 October 2013

Next chapter

Our life can be broken down into chapters where we have learned specific lessons and perhaps went through a trauma or a large challenge. It is ok to end the chapter and start a new new section of your journey. Maybe you are at the end of a grief cycle after losing a loved one or finishing school or home renovations. Celebrate the end in a way that comforts you and brings you closure. Perhaps the act of giving something away or letting something go will provide a release and hope for the new chapter. The new chapter can also be celebrated by a new journal, a new friendship or perhaps a new, healthy recipe that will start your new journey on a strong base. Have you recently experienced a new chapter? How did you handle the transition, did you celebrate?


  1. Not recently but I did experience a divorce two years ago and I think that's one of the most life-changing events that anyone could go through. I definitely learned a lot about myself.

    1. Amen Brutha. When you coming to visit? The snow is whistling its way here.

  2. i have a hard time closing chapters though, they always end up leaking into the succeeding ones. i'm still trying to figure out if that's a good thing or not so much...

    1. I once read something recently about how we always have opening ceremonies/traditions, but we fail as American culture to mark the closing of something and how much better we would all be at transitions if we had a celebration/tradition/ritual to celebrate something ending. It really made me think!

    2. Endings. Closure. When I split with my husband our tree died out back. My brother came over and chopped it into firewood and we burned the embers of a chapter closed.

  3. Oh yes I have started another chapter and that is the best way to get through whatever it is you think will destroy you always keep turning those pages. B

    1. Do you recognize when you've slipped into a new place. Is there a page marker?

  4. Vanessa, thank you for your comment on my first date post! I wanted to say that since you're a no-reply commentor (your email isn't tied to your account), I responded on my blog!

    Happy Saturday!

    1. I loved that post. You keep me feeling young my friend. Keep it up!

  5. I have new chapters all the time. Last week I had seven new clients. I also ended a relationship with someone I mentor.

    Bringing closure to changes in my life is healing. Often, I journal about the transitions I go through. Often, I turn the events over to God, using a God Box. (Ask me about it.)

    There are ceremonies I have for new chapters and the ending of chapters in my life, including going to a concert.

    Hope you are doing well.

    1. Doing better now that I read your thoughtful post Pablo. I am hoping to come visit the inn soon!
