Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Take a compliment

It is not easy to give a compliment. Somehow, deep down you notice something in another human that makes you smile or pay attention or both. Then your fear of opening up to strangers and public speaking takes over and you keep the compliment inside. When someone offers you a compliment unwrap it gently, letting the sensations slide through your skin, then exhale with a "thank you". I have watched many people discount compliments and brush it off, not knowing the powerful gift they just received. Take note of the message you received and write it into your journal. Start a list of reasons why you are awesome…according to other people. You dress nicely, you draw well, you bake a mean treat. Whatever the gift, embrace it and own it. You are a miracle. Celebrate it!


  1. I am guilty of this - I often brush off compliments. I wonder why we do that? Shyness? Modesty? I've always wondered.

    1. It's ok to breathe in the sweet words and let them fill you. It was hard for that person to compliment you. Accept their gift graciously!

  2. That's a great idea. I'm very good at giving compliments, but not good at receiving them.
