Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Sacred space

Our personal space can be very important to us. It can create a sense of place, of purpose. But many of us are so busy with other aspects of life that we forget about place. When we care for our space we take care of ourselves. It can be part of our personal habits like eating well or exercising. Some people are very good at caring for their home, car and office and others, like me, tend to let these things go when other priorities arise in our lives. Choose one action, one task that has been bothering you about your precious space and give yourself a week to tackle it. Start out by giving it a half hour and see how far you get. Remember that you are doing something for yourself, and you , more than anyone on this planet deserves your love and affection. I would love to hear how it goes!


  1. When I declutter I feel so free. The other day I threw away a bunch of junk that had been accumulating in a closet and I felt awesome.

    1. Oooh purging, I love to purge!! BUt it's so hard for me because I really can't send things to a landfill…I feel much too bad!

  2. Whoa, that's more than what I did. Good on ya!
