Friday, 8 November 2013

Boys and girls

It can be a struggle for men and women to honour a mutual friendship between them that does not delve into a physical connection on one end or the other. Our sexes are so different yet we compliment each other so well. We have the best friendships when we can be completely honest and comfortable with our precious friend. How should the relationship be altered to accommodate one person having feelings for the other? Should the relationship end? Respecting your partner offers another complication. At what point do you open the space and allow your partner to fill the missing whole your friend jumps into so easily. This post offers more contemplation that action. Go through some of your x-x-y experiences right now. Could they be tweaked in some way to help minimize uncomfortable feelings for anyone involved? How can you move forward and nurture yourself as much as you nurture others. Be clear about what you need. No one else is advocating for your needs.


  1. I've found that some just can't meet our needs while others seem to know them effortlessly. I try to understand where this deeper connection comes from, how it works, but to no avail. Sometimes we stumble across someone that just fits us better and it's a hard pill to swallow.

    1. Our feelings are fairly uncontrollable. How do we harness them so we can live free and happy?

    2. We either own our emotions or they own us. And by own them I mean let your feelings be what they are, feel them, understand where they come from and what causes them. The harness with which you wrangle your emotions lies in the understanding of them. Own them and you control them.

  2. I think in same-sex friendships, in scenarios where one develops feelings but the other does not, that the friendship should likely end. In my experience that scenario always ends up in someone being hurt, every time.

    1. Pain is no good. It's best to try and avoid that pain if possible.

    2. But what if it's a beautiful pain, or at least tolerable to the point where it's worth being hurt in order to experience something that may be incredible. Perhaps I'm a glutton for punishment but I think I'll always go out in a limb and take a chance.
