Monday, 4 November 2013


It takes a lot for us to share with another how they bring so much light into our lives. It is just not part of our everyday conversation. Sometimes though, it can be easier to write it out than to say it out loud from our heart. Choose a person today to write a note for. It could just be two words "You're awesome" and it can say so much. Find a good place to hide this message of love. Maybe in their lunch bag, in their pocket or in front of their computer. Who will you connect with in this act of friendship and caring? I received a note from my roommate on my bed this morning. It made me smile so bright.


  1. It's definitely easier sometimes to write how we feel isn't it?? And there's just something so wonderful about receiving something hand-written!!

  2. What a great idea. I have a kitchen cabinet door that when I open it it is full of little messages that I have saved and every time I need a boost I open it and smile.They would be from My Hero. B

    1. It's amazing that you are insightful enough to realise when you do need that extra pick me up. I am glad you have a shrine that can shed some light in your hard days.

  3. little compares to a handwritten note in my opinion :)
