Thursday, 31 May 2012

Celebrate setbacks

Obstacles happen. We can choose to slam into them or weave around them and move on.  Our computer breaking down could be a chance for panic and frustration or may allow us to catch up on running errands or paperwork that has been put off.  Forgetting to pack a lunch may mean a nice trip to a new restaurant. Even stubbing a toe could offer celebration for actually having feeling in our legs and feet.  What setback did you experience that you were able to turn around into a positive?  Do you believe even setbacks happen for a reason?


  1. Yes I most definitely believe that setbacks happen for a reason. Oftentimes, we just fait to see it at the moment the setback is happening. Of course it's difficult, in the middle of experiencing a setback, to be able to actually see that there is a purpose to it though. Great post my friend.

    1. Exactly. In the moment is so hard to see the bright side, but if we have faith that a bright side will show itself, then we can breathe and move through the disappointment.

  2. From time-to-time I encounter grumpy people. It's an opportunity for me to be internally referented. Their surliness has nothing to to do with me.

    My encounter with them allows me to detach with love and continue to feel good about who I am, regardless of their behavior.

    1. I am lucky to rarely deal with grumpy people, but I recall having arguments or conflicts with people in the past and in the moment all I want to do is run. I love the idea of detatching and recognizing that it is not ourself that is the problem.

  3. Well, this is something, I don't celebrate set backs...but I use them as a stepping stone... To elevate myself above all troubles... : )

    1. I like this analogy. Like when you are on a hike and you come across some big boulders, knowing that clombing them will lift you higher. Nice.
