Thursday, 3 May 2012

Do your worth-its

Human evolution has brought us many gifts, but one strange attribute we've adopted is to question our worth once in awhile, or everyday for some people.  We can prevent these feelings from bubbling up by taking care of ourselves behind the scenes.  There are tasks we can perform that lay the foundation for a good day, good health and an overall peacefull feeling.  These tasks are called "worth-its" because by performing them, we feel better about ourselves.  What's your worth-it?  Flossing, ironing clothes for work, washing the car, writing in a gratitude journal, and taking a morning stroll offer simple ways we can create positive change.  By doing small tasks we can make a large difference in our feelings of self-worth.


  1. One thing that has really helped improve my feelings if self-worth, even though it's not a task per se, is blogging. I find that it has helped me immensly due to the fact that it's made me aware of the interconnectedness of us all.

  2. vanessa, you are wise beyond your years and i really enjoy what you have to, GOD made you awesome

    1. You make a gal blush Brian. I have gained my knowledge through experience. Most of my entries are connected to what I am going through each day. It's been a journey so far!

  3. Good words, Vanessa.

    Thank you for sharing your insights, I love them. I totally agree with you. You must feel good, when you treat yourself with the dignity you show towards others.

    I echo what others say about you. You are wise. I don't know where you get your ideas, but, keep them coming! :)

    I'm taking care of myself today by writing, exercising, arranging my priorities and giving myself space so that my spirit can breathe.

    Wishing you a terrific Thursday!

    1. Oh Pablo, I appreciate your kind words. It lifts me up to know that my words might elevate others....lift as you climb right? I can really feel myself climbing closer to the arms and legs and heart are shaking from all this work, but soon I will rest, surrender.
