Sunday, 20 May 2012

Life in bite sized chunks

In order to truly experience life we must savour every moment.  Doing the dishes may seem like an annoyance, but when we mindfully enter into the activity we can experience enjoyment.  Look at each dish, give thanks for the lovely meal that was created on it.  Was your cutlery or favourite mug a gift? Give thanks for having such generous people in your life.

If you have a garden, consider the weeds growing haphazardly.  To tackle all those misfit plants may seem far too overwhelming at one time.  Break the garden into sections and work from there.  Through your labour, you may choose to leave the smaller weeds or weeds intertwined into other shrubs and flowers.  As you work in the soil give thanks to the billions of bacteria and microorganisms for tending the garden in your absence.  Look over at your blooming flowers and unfurling leaves and take in all their beauty.

Is there a task that is difficult, but you have found a way to distill some enjoyment from it?


  1. hey vanessa...sorry ive been away for a bit and havent been able to check your post...i really look forward to reading your blog...your wisdom is very uncommon...and i really thank you for all the kind words that you send my way...have an awesome day and keep on smiling

    1. My wisdom! Wow, well at the young age of 32 that is quite a compliment. I will let these kind words sit with me and lift me up. thank you.

  2. I think the task that I enjoy the least would have to be grocery shopping. I really dislike it but I am able to distill some joy in it by talking to random people while I'm in line :-)

    1. I am there with you!! The meal planning, the choosing brands, it all fell short for me. But now I enjoy the competition…I place as many fresh items in my cart as possible and watch others with their processed food carts. It makes me feel so healthy! Haha

  3. Oh any household chores! I struggle with them... but now I've managed to get help - I really really appreciate - both the clean house as well as the person that helps me. :)

    1. Genious idea!! I must have read your mind because I've decided to hire my roomate to help weed the garden with me. Company, chores done…lovely.

  4. I find any task can become a spiritual practice. The mundane often transforms when I give it the attention, or inattention it deserves.

    The simple tasks occasionally transport me elsewhere, mentally, and emotionally. I periodically discover subconscious thoughts that might otherwise have escaped, if I was in my normal, busy-with-"important tasks" consciousness.

    This sometimes happens while shaving, washing dishes, polishing furniture, cooking or pulling weeds, for example. These routine tasks can put in a reflective and/or mindless state---moments when my inner self may speak to my conscious self.

    I'm happy when it happens. The revelation of insights during routine tasks, has spared me many a grief and has lovingly guided me when seeking direction. Answers to questions that were nagging my subconscious mind, have popped up while doing chores.

    I welcome simple tasks. They have been wonderful friends. I appreciate how they have introduced me to worlds of perception I otherwise would have missed.

    I savor each moment of life, even when I'm in pain. I have found there is always a lesson to learn, if I but keep open the eyes and ears to my heart.

    1. A reflective or mindless state, that is perfect. I truly appreciate these tips Pablo. You sure know how to be a leader for healthy mental well being.
