Make a plan to change your daily scenery for a portion of your day. You might realize something new and wonderful when you remove yourself from the habitual spaces you normally find yourself in. Try a new coffee shop, move your laptop to a library or park, or sit in a diffferent seat on the bus. What will you discover by adjusting the lense you view your daily life from? Shake it up.
i changed my desktop wallpaper yesterday...does that count??? have an awesome day vanessa
That is a great chance for change - this counts!
DeleteShake it up - LOVE it! x
ReplyDeleteI can just imagine all the fun ways you shake up your life Hannah, you have such a zest for life.
DeleteBrian you took the words right out of my mouth! I change my desktop wallpaper at least a couple time a month just to change things up.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what sort of images you place on your computer. I am guessing nature or your niece and nephew.
DeleteI try eating with a different hand, and using new routes when riding my bike. It fires up inactive or new dendrites in my mind.
ReplyDeleteNew books are read to challenge my established thinking patterns. Extending friendship to people I don't know and bringing closure to unhealthy relationships are other ways I move forward and change the scene of my social life.
You know the difference between a rut and a coffin, right? The rut has the two ends kicked out.
New routes equal new dendrites - exactly!! Your social life must change all the time with your line of work and all the great vibes you give out to other fellow humans. Thanks for the analogy, I really like it!!