Monday, 7 May 2012

Nourish your needs

Babies spend a lot of time crying.  Parents try to understand the babies needs by offering gifts of food, clean diapers and rocking chair sessions, but the crying continues.  We too may find ourselves moping, low energy or exhausted, thinking that we simply need time in front of the television to recharge.  But think about the personal needs you have which you have grown to understand and appreciate. Is there something deeper, more primal that is asking for some love? Are you an extrovert?  Maybe you need to call up a friend and go for a walk.  Have you taken any time to be creative today?  Perhaps, there is energy lying dormant that is holding you down, hoping to be brought to life through writing, painting, mending items in the home.  Sit still and breathe into your heart, ask it what you need.  The answer will come to you.


  1. I like this. Often times, we have a subconcious yearning for something but we can't quite identify it. This seems like a good way identify that unidentified yearning.

  2. Ooooh, I needed IT soooooo badly... for sooooooo loooooong not being able to... ever since the 'hose ban' (yes you're reading right) the sky would not stop chucking tons and tons of water at us...

    And today, finally, the rain has stopped and I have got to nourish my needs and my garden at the same time! I have weeded, cut, trimmed and pruned... my favourite play in the garden!:)

    1. Aren't gardens amazing? I call my plants my children haha and I love to watch them grow. I need to be more lenient on the weeds, I try to pull them ALL! Mmm, gardens.

  3. you are so right vanessa...i find that writing or working out in my shop really recharges me..i try to write something every morning to start each day off making the effort to be creative...have a great day and dont forget to smile

  4. I totally agree with you.

    I wrote about this in my reply to Kevin's comment in yesterday's blog post, here. It was about being in touch with our "felt sense". I don't have the time to go into the subject today. I have to work.

    However, I will say that prayer, my speaking to God, and meditating, my listening to Him, often helps me connect with this part of me.

    I'm leary of all the electronic gadgets that can demand our attention. I can't listen to the still, quiet voice within me, nor can I be sensitive to what my body is telling me, if I yield to distractions.

    1. Good call on the electronic devices. Sometimes when I am meditating I am also wanting to grab my cell phone and check for messages - it's madness! Thanks for this.
