Thursday 27 June 2013


How are we able to find answers if we are not asking the right questions?  There are people out there who have a personality of question asking.  Pharmacists, engineers and lab technicians needs to know details before they can even begin moving forward.  Maybe you need to ask questions at work. Ask if anyone else has worked on a similar project to yours. Maybe you need to ask a personal question of a friend. Ask if they are upset about anything or if they have seen changes in you lately. Perhaps you need to ask a nighbour about a nice tree they purchased.  Whatever it is, let this question and answer dance expand your mind into a flexible space.  Explore the new changes and see where they take you.


  1. I ask lots of questions, but I have found, that sometimes there's not always an answer. At least not right away.

  2. I had a professor once who said that the only stupid question was the unasked one.

  3. And it's about asking the right questions.... Love this ;-)
